05 Jun 2023

The 10th International Sustainable Industrial Areas (SIA) conference organized by GIZ and supported by UNIDO and World Bank, took place from 5 to 8 June 2023 in Cairo, Egypt

The 10th International Sustainable Industrial Areas (SIA) conference https://siaconference.com/, organized by GIZ and supported by UNIDO and World Bank, took place from 5 to 8 June 2023 in Cairo, Egypt. The conference brought together experts from all over the world together to discuss recent trends, best practices and future development of industrial parks. This year, the conference saw the participation of more than 200 international experts from Northern Africa, Europe, Asia, including Egyptian developers, park management authorities and tenants.

On behalf of GEIPP Viet Nam project, Ms. Vuong Thi Minh Hieu, Deputy director at the Ministry of Planning and Investments, gave a presentation on “Sustainability Increase – Interaction between Legislation and Reporting – the case of Vietnam EIPhttps://www.siaconference.com/sites/default/files/2023-06/22%20A.%20SIA%20Cairo_Vuong%20Thi%20Minh%20Hieu_0607.pdf to highlight how to streamline sustainable planning of Industrial Park in Viet Nam by developing the EIP model. She stressed that the development of eco-industrial parks is one of the most important directions to green and sustainable Industrial parks in Viet Nam, reflected in the newly issued Decree No. 35/2022/ND-CP http://eip-vietnam.org/file/?url=/ads/1a03862fda2dd52292ed0b2ad0af9313.pdf regulating the management of industrial zones and economic zones: “As an inevitable trend, the development of an eco-industrial park model has become a mandatory requirement for industrial park infrastructure development investors and tenant companies if they are willing to continue promoting and attracting the of hi-quality investment and in the long run, the EIP model will bring higher value and sustainable development”.